

WE ARE HERE!’s mission is to introduce a positive, effective and long lasting education program focussed on Dorrith Sim’s autobiographical picture book, In My Pocket.

In My Pocket is an uplifting true story of rescue and survival which also speaks to the current situation of refugees and displaced children around the globe as many of the Kindertransport stories do.

The Kindertransport is such an inspiring educational tool because it is uplifting and hopeful, mixed with kindness, generosity and acceptance, and huge amounts of resilience and determination. It’s a wonderful “all round” package for students.

The program is aimed at 9 to 12 year old primary school children.

The Film

Video – University of Edinburgh


Scottish Parliament – from 34 minute mark:


WE ARE HERE! Foundation is pleased to announce that the Embassy in Canberra of the Federal Rebublic of Germany has given its support to our IN MY POCKET Project in Australia.

Jess, Tamar, Jill & Sarah at the WA Museum Boola Bardip
