WA Museum Boola Bardip
9 December 2023

Carmel Year 6 Pocket Display
WA Museum Boola Bardip – 9 December

Carmel Year 6 Reflections
Littlehampton Primary School South Australia

In My Pocket – Art & Poetry Focus
We really enjoyed working with the In My Pocket story through the History and English curriculum and integrating Visual Arts. For the Year 5 and 6 classes we created an art and poetry focus to compliment the story, with the students writing poems and painting on the calico pockets. They wrote an Artist’s Statement for their creations. They certainly “pocketed” a great deal of empathy for others along the way and made connections with current world events and those in the past. It has been such a powerful and positive life changing learning experience which they embraced and thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you so much for supplying the mini books for each student.
Barbara O’Connor, Littlehampton Primary School, South Australia