
Dear Eli and Jill,

The students completed an extremely successful and heartfelt Project Heritage at the end of last term. Each one of them shone and I was and still am extremely proud of them all!.

Please find attached some of the snippets of Year 6 students’ thoughts of the ‘In My Pocket’ project – they absolutely loved everything about it and gained so much knowledge because of it.

In fact, many of the students included aspects of Kindertransport and Righteous Amongst the Nations in their work.

I myself loved this simple, yet intricate project. I too learnt a lot and I would really like to use this again. I also want to thank you so much for all the inspiration and help.

Warm regards,

Mrs Renee Levy

Year 6 Teacher and Team Leader

Dear Eli and Jill, 

Today we ran the program in our school. Phyllis Jowell JDS joined us and the program was an immense success! The students were all so engaged and involved in the presentation and in the pocket artwork. They asked great questions and had beautiful reflections at the end! 

We were even pleasantly surprised to see students who normally are not interested in art being so engaged in the pocket and the painting. 

Thank you so much for this beautiful story to share with the children. There was such a beautiful lesson to impart and I think the kids really took it to heart! 

Thanks again!

Chanee Shlomo

Last Shabbat we were blessed to have Jill and Eli Rabinowitz join us to share with us the wonderful program and story In My Pocket by Dorrith M Sim in Temple David Religion School (TDRS).  It was a beautiful and meaningful Shabbat morning, especially as it was the Shabbat that falls prior to Yom HaShoah.  Our families, those that attend TDRS regularly and those that came especially for In My Pocket found the morning to be profound and meaningful.  Students asked thoughtful questions and joined in creating their very own pockets.  I know that my daughter Noa and I are richer for having participated in the program, as are our families and our congregation.

Rabbi Kim Ettlinger Temple David Perth